NFPA70E and Arc Flash Hazard Awareness
Protect employees and achieve compliance with electrical safety training per NFPA 70E guidelines.
NFPA 70E requires training at a minimum frequency of at least once every 3 years. This training can be in the form of classroom, hands on field training, or a combination of the two. This needs to be determined by the employer and the exposure of their employees to exposed energized parts. If the exposure is frequent, it may be best to do trainings every year or every other year with a mixture of both classroom and field training combined. The proper used of safety equipment, knowledge of electrical hazards, and how to respond in the event of an electrical disaster are essential for all personnel working on or around electrical equipment. The Switchgear Power Solutions electrical safety program is designed to provide personnel involved with the interaction, operation, or maintenance of a power distribution system the knowledge, skills, and abilities to understand who is to be considered a qualified electrical worker while working around electrical equipment and who is not. At the end of the training each attendee will take an exam to ensure the topics discussed in the training were understood. Each attendee that achieves a passing exam score will be presented with a signed and dated certificate that can be kept on file.
Our NFPA 70E training covers:
- Facility-specific training
- Safety-related work practices
- Maintenance requirements
- Electric shock
- Arc and blast
- General requirements for safety-related work practices
- Establishing an electrically safe work condition
- Work involving electrical hazards
- Selection and use of proper personal protective equipment (PPE) for shock and arc flash protection
- Much More

Let Switchgear Power Solutions customize a training program for your facility and help you achieve compliance. Contact SPS today and "experience the difference quality service makes"